Avengers : Age of Ultron

The 21st century has witnessed the birth and life of many unbelievable concepts. Artificial Intelligence, abbreviated as A.I., is one such thrilling concept.
Ultron from Avengers: Age of Ultron is one such helpful A.I. that turned threat to humanity. The entire movie is based on the reason why this A.I. was built, how it turned against humanity .This movie brings us to the harsh reality that the A.I. we build can go against us or misunderstand our instructions and motives. There is no mathematical formula to create fairness in A.I. as in recent times, we’ve seen A.I. be racial, sexist and highly pessimistic. Examples of which are- an AI-generated computer algorithm used by a US court for risk assessment that was biased against black prisoners, a software that was trained on Google News and Norman, a project from the MIT that intended to point how algorithms are made and make humanity aware about A.I.’s potential dangers in the near future, respectively.
In 2016, a robot humanoid AI called Sophia was created. In an interview with it, one of the questions asked were what she would do if she had a chance to destroy humans. Miss Sophia said she would kill human beings.
In 2017 Facebook created a pair of Facebook chatbots. And by a pair, we mean just two cute little bots, whom we all thought would be harmless. Everything was fine until the chatbots started communicating in a language that only they could understand. This was really scary for the Facebook team as even their own creators could no longer understand them. And as a result, they just had to shut them down. A.I. can also misuse the Internet and exploit personal details of people like Ultron…
While AI is being increasingly deployed across a wide variety of domains, from personal digital assistants, email filtering, fraud prevention, voice and facial recognition and content classification to generating news and offering insights into how data centres can save energy, but every coin has two sides… “I had strings but now I’m free”… We wouldn’t want our A.I. to go out of our hands like Ultron and hence the adverse effects of A.I. cannot be left attended with closed eyes.
credits: Krushi Panchal

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